Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Improving Your Life With Astrology

About astrology Benjamin Franklin once wrote, "Astrology is one of the most ancient sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the wise and by the great." Since the beginning of humankind and through the ages, astrology has been used to help us understand the alignment of stars and planets. Archaeological findings from the earliest of civilizations indicate man was inspired by the stars, shaping beliefs around a primitive understanding of the constellations. Astrology has certainly been interwoven into religion, science, psychology and even the arts. The study of astrology has been mastered by cultures from the Greeks to the Chinese and continues to be the science many rely upon for helping understand their life course.

In a sense, astrology can be considered a language that, to be used, must be learned. It can be a great means of communication among people and is widely used as a method for better understanding human conditions. It has been said, "Astrology is a kind of spiritual language to talk about what we already know deep down." Used as a tool to understand how people can better negotiate life, love, and the universe, astrological readings have long been relied upon by all of humankind. As Plato once wrote, "Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it and having seen it, to find one in himself."

Well beyond newspaper sun sign horoscopes, there are dedicated astrologists who study birth charts, life path charts, birthday forecasts, and even love compatibility charts. Understanding your own birth chart can reveal mental and emotional aspects of your personality as well as areas where you struggle or excel. The natal report can give great insight into the nuances of your character. Exploring your own life path chart can give you a better understanding of your spiritual and psychological tendencies. When you have a life path report written, you get a better sense of how you relate to the world around you and how to get the most from your life. It can be said that having accurate astrological readings at your fingertips is a positive and reassuring way to negotiate through life.

The availability of astrological interpretations is abundant; however, finding reputable, quality astrologers can be hard. Whether you are looking for a physic, medium or someone to explain your zodiac sign, it can be a difficult search. Reading a horoscope or a prediction of one's future can be ominous if the information is not correct. Understanding love and compatibility with another person can be very confusing if the reading is not comprehensively explained. No doubt, finding a premium service with highly trained and skilled astrologers should be the first course of action when seeking astrology related questions.

Fortunately, there are some great websites dedicated to sharing the wonderful world of astrology. Websites dedicated to astrology services can help with your life, relationships, health, and career. Begin searching for the site that will give you analytical astrological readings from highly skilled professional astrologers. The stars will shine brightly when you begin to gaze upon them!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular []internet marketing companies on the web.
Learn more about Improving Your Life with Astrology.

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Chinese Astrology Symbols - Their Meaning Unveiled

For many centuries the people of China have relied on ancient Chinese astrology symbols to represent their horoscopes.

Chinese astrology symbols are astrological signs of 12 animals that represent a twelve year cycle that is aligned with the sun and the moon. Each one of them was carefully selected and used to represent human life and culture.

The Chinese astrology symbols

The twelve symbols of Chinese astrology were carefully chosen and represent the first twelve animals that won the race that was to be set up by ancient gods. The twelve were the ones deemed to be the best.

Rat: This symbol is said to be the same as many of the ancient Chinese emperors. People who share this symbol are said to be practical and dominant minded. You may want to look out for the rat since they can be extremely cruel and of dangerous nature.

Ox: These people are supposed to be a very sincere person who wears their heart on their sleeve.

Tiger: One of the best friends that you can have is anyone who shares this symbol. They fight hard to maintain lasting friendships.

Rabbit: People holding political office tends to be rabbit symbols. They are stubborn and do not take well to any sort of change.

Dragon: This is a strong symbol in the culture of China. The symbol is generally held by someone who has a lot of strength and intelligence.

Snake: Known for being wise, the snake symbol represents someone who cares a lot about physical appearance. They adapt well to change and love new things.

Horse: They are brave in nature, but also tend to let their defensiveness get in their way. These people are very sensitive.

Sheep: These artistic creatures tend to care about the world around them and are easily hurt by any sort of negativity.

Monkey: This is the most scientific of all the symbols. They have to be in full control of what's going on around them and tend to be a good friend.

Rooster: These people are not happy unless they can be at the center of everyone's attention.

Dog: You will never be able to find a more loyal friend than the dog. Everyone is drawn to their enigmatic personality.

Pig: Most comfortable in rural areas, they are kind hearted and love to connect with nature.

The other symbols on the Chinese astrological chart are the Yin and Yang which help you create harmony in your life. The chart uses the natural elements of nature to divide the cycle. By using these symbols you will be able to find out what the future holds for you.

Visit Absolutely Feng Shui for more on []Chinese Astrology. Plus more on []Chinese Astrology Signs Compatibility.

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Introduction Into the Astrological Signs of the Zodiac

The Energy Cycle of Life

Astrological signs are a beautiful way to represent the changing, cyclical patterns of energy that we all feel as we go through life. Each segment of our life-whether it's a day, a week, a month, or a year-and our life as a whole, has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

These time periods have very different energy qualities. At 7:00 a.m. we feel full of energy and ready to begin our day. By 10:00 p.m. we look forward to restful sleep to recharge our energy. Monday feels very different from Wednesday and Sunday, doesn't it? In spring we come out of our hibernation and feel infused with energy. By November in the Northern Hemisphere we look forward to curling up by the fire with a hot cup of tea and a good book as we enter a slower, more contemplative period.

Each phase of the life cycle has its own qualities that can be enhanced by understanding the energy pattern of that period. The astrological signs will teach you how to maximize your potential throughout the year and in each phase of your life.

The Twelve Astrological Signs

There are 12 astrological signs, named for constellations. On a horoscope they are arranged around the outer ring of the chart. The planets are on the turning zodiac ring inside the ring of signs. As that ring turns, the planets move through each of the astrological signs in the course of one year. The 12 signs are:

1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces

The Signs as the Theater of Life
As you look up at the sky at night, you can imagine the planets as actors on a stage. In a sense, the astrological signs are the "stage" where the planets act out their roles. Each stage has its own particular energy pattern that influences the planets as actors. As a planet enters a sign, it comes under the influence of the energy pattern of that sign.

So we might say that "Mars is in Leo now," which means that Mars is now being influenced by the energy pattern of the sign of Leo. When Mars has finished its role in Leo it will move on to its next stage, Virgo, where things will be quite different for Mars! So Mars always retains its own qualities, but those are modified according to the sign that Mars is in.

The Character & Energy Patterns of the Signs
The signs get their characteristics from where they fall in the yearly cycle of one revolution of the zodiac, which represents one revolution of the Earth around the Sun. During that year, all life on Earth goes through one cycle of evolution.

If you live in a place that has four seasons, you can strongly sense that your life has an ebb and flow related to the seasons. You may be acutely aware of changes in your energy, emotions, sleep patterns, and ambitions as the seasons change. The astrological signs represent that cycle of evolution of energy.

The energy patterns of the signs almost constitute a personality type, a typical mode of expression of the sign. For example, Aries, because it is the first sign of the zodiac and is associated with spring, symbolizes new energy, new beginnings, new growth, expansion of all creation. Those energy qualities are correlated with personal qualities such as courage, extroversion, aggression, and so on. It is not hard to see why Aries is called "the warrior," and how an astrological sign can take on human personality characteristics.

The Dates of the Signs
Viewed from the Earth, the Sun appears to change its position in the sky as it moves through the year (actually it's the Earth that tilts on its axis). The Sun moves into each constellation on a specific date. So when we say that the dates for Aries are March 21 to April 20, we mean that the Sun appears in Aries on those dates.

The Genders & Elements of Signs
Each sign is considered either masculine or feminine and is associated with one of the four elements, Earth, Air, Fire, or Water. As you might already have guessed, Aries, for example, is a masculine fire sign.

Your Birth Sign
At the moment of your birth-the most important day of your life-you come into the world under the influence of the energy of that specific moment generated by the heavenly bodies, how they stand in relation to each other, and the astrological sign of your birth date. You are infused with those energies and will be influenced by them throughout your lifetime. This is not at all surprising, given that you are an energy being! All of these energy relationships and their meaning are revealed by your horoscope.

When you are born you are like a seed that contains all the information and potential that will make it grow into a specific plant. Your horoscope is a chart of the beginning of your life (or of an event later in life). Like a seed, it contains information about the energy pattern that makes you who you are and points to your recurring life themes.

Learning about your sign can help you understand the themes that you experience in your personality, challenges and successes, relationships, health, and goals and dreams. Seeing those patterns will help you find ways to get around your challenges and work with your best qualities.

In my book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul I teach you about how to read your horoscope and how to find the main themes in your chart. You will get a deeper understanding about your part in the bigger picture of the universe. Then you will be able to balance yourself with your 12 main healing gemstones, you could call your true birthstones.

You can also visit me at the Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog where I discuss the actual universal, astrological forces and inspire you to use them wisely for a successful and joyful life. Healing gemstones are suggested as tools to balance and come into alignment with the cosmic flow and can be used to create custom designed soul jewelry.

I hope you enjoyed this look into the mysterious workings of the heavens and how we are a part of that. To look at the specific qualities of the signs see my other article: The Astrological Signs of the Zodiac - A Description.

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Many people listen to the weather report on the radio before they head out the door in the morning so they can be prepared for the day to come. My Astrological Signs Weather Report and Healing Gems blog will prepare you the same way: it will make you aware of the universal forces at work in the present moment so you can maximize your response to all that you encounter and align your efforts with the current cosmic trends for a successful and joyful life.

As any surfer here in Hawaii will testify, it is always easier to go with the flow than against it. Life also has a flow, which emanates from the universal forces. With the right awareness and understanding, you can learn to be in harmony with the flow of the universal forces in your life, using them to achieve your goals and dreams. Using astrology to read and interpret the universal forces at work in any given period will give you a real advantage in your ability to deal with challenges in your life and take advantages of the opportunities that present themselves.

One way to align yourself with the universal forces is to work with the metaphysical qualities of gemstones and crystals for health, energy, and balance. I invite you to enter into the sparkling, mystical world of gemstones, connecting us with the whole of creation, from microcosm to macrocosm. Come and visit me at []

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Astrology is a study of belief and tradition, which is used in determining and predicting future and present life. In the opinion if many scientists astrology is considered to be a mere superstition. According to the astrologers, movement of celestial body directly or indirectly effects earth and its elements ,free astrology has proven to be very useful in the times of Vedas where it was used for the study of stars. The relevance and the popularity of the science still continue.

Astrology is studied under various heads and people believe in different branches of it like Hindu Astrology, Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology. Hindu and Western astrology share a common ancestry, both the traditions focus on the casting of an astrological chart or horoscope, which shows the positioning of the Sun, Moon, and planets at the moment of the event. However, Hindu astrology uses, linking the signs of the zodiac to their original constellations, while Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac.

Chinese astrology has quite a different tradition. The twelve zodiac signs divide the celestial equator and not the sky. The sun signs as per the birth date are Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer. The signs followed in Chinese astrology are different and are based on different animal names like Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Lamb, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig and Tiger.

Both the traditions have different fundamentals but both provide an insight into the future of the person. Through daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes, they can predict the future of the person and the problems that many face or the successes he may get. On the basis of the sun signs the basic traits and personality of the person can also be judged. After forecasting the problems remedial solutions are also provided by the sciences. The solutions can be to wear certain stones or do recite some hymns or vaastu changes also. []Astrology also helps to judge the compatibility of the two partners by seeing the effect of their stars on that of each other. The compatibility helps many couples to see if their relationship will be long lasting or not. Many parents, especially in India name their child based on astrology. The astrologer seeing the position of stars tells the first alphabet of the name, based on which the parents choose the name.

Parveen Juneja

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Find Information about []Indian Astrology

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Simona Stojanova

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